قرآن بهار دلها

قرآن نکته و آموزه ها

قرآن بهار دلها

قرآن نکته و آموزه ها

قرآن و زنبورعسل

خاصیت شفا بخشی عسل و گرد آوری شهد و ساختن عسل توسط زنبور ماده (نحل/69)
،تناسب رنگ عسل با رنگ گلها(نحل/69

§NèO ’Í?ä. `ÏB Èe@ä. ÏNºtyJ¨W9$# ’Å5è=ó™$$sù Ÿ@ç7ߙ Å7În/u‘ Wxä9èŒ 4 ßlãøƒs† .`ÏB $ygÏRqäÜç/ Ò>#uŽŸ° ì#Î=tFøƒ’C ¼çmçRºuqø9r& ÏmŠÏù Öä!$xÿÏ© Ĩ$¨Z=Ïj9 3 ¨bÎ) ’Îû y7Ï9ºsŒ ZptƒUy 5Qöqs)Ïj9 tbr㍩3xÿtGtƒ ÇÏÒÈ  

69. Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink varying colours, wherein is healing for men: Verily In This is a Sign for those who thought.



سوره یس

دوستان به این آیه توجه کنید
و نظرتان یادتان نرود

* óOs9r& ô‰ygôãr& öNä3ö‹s9Î) ûÓÍ_t6»tƒ tPyŠ#uä cr& žw (#r߉ç7÷ès? z`»sÜø‹¤±9$# ( ¼çm¯RÎ) ö/ä3s9 Ar߉tã ×ûüÎ7•B ÇÏÉÈ   Èbr&ur ’ÎTr߉ç6ôã$# 4 #x‹»yd ÔÞºuŽÅÀ ÒOŠÉ)tGó¡•B ÇÏÊÈ   ô‰s)s9ur ¨@|Êr& óOä3ZÏB yxÎ7Å_ #·ŽÏWx. ( öNn=sùr& (#qçRqä3s? tbqè=É)÷ès? ÇÏËÈ   ¾Ínɋ»yd æL©èygy_ ÓÉL©9$# óOçFZä. šcr߉tãqè? ÇÏÌÈ  

60. "Did I not enjoin on you, O ye Children of Adam, that ye should not worship Satan; for that He was to you an enemy avowed?-

61. "And that ye should worship me, (for that) This was the straight Way?

62. "But He did lead astray a great multitude of you. did ye not, then, understand?

63. "This is the Hell of which ye were (repeatedly) warned!



آیا ما از شنا عهد نگرفتیم که شیطان را نپرستید؟